Who we are.

Safety and Service.

Compass Compliance has been serving the Midwest since 1985. Matt and Heather took ownership in 2022.

Matthew Litwiller

Associates Degree: Ag Business

Bachelor’s Degree: Business

Certifications: PCQI, OSHA 30 HR General Industry, HAZWOPER, CETP, CETP Certified Procter, Basic, Bobtail, Plant, Service 4.1, Instillation, Transportation of Hazardous Materials Trainer, Safety Management Specialist, Preventative Controls for Animal Food, UST Operator Class A & B, and State Certified Trainer for Commercial applicators in Iowa.

30 years of experience in agriculture, 15 years experience in safety and compliance.


Heather Litwiller

Bachelor’s Degree: Occupational Safety and Health

Certifications: Certified Safety Professional, PCQI, and FSMA

10 years in safety and compliance.


Our roots run deep when it comes to agriculture. Matt grew up on a farm, working as a field applicator during college, and going into grain management afterwards. Heather began working in Safety for Compass Compliance. Both Matt and Heather are committed to excellent compliance products, thorough training, and compliance materials. Consider adding our expertise to your own!